Friday, March 23, 2012

Seems my creations travel to some great states and countries!

Talk about procrastination - years ago I said I should put up a map of the World and put a flag on each location where I have shipped a piece of jewelry. In going over my records, this past year I have shipped jewelry to California, New York, Oklahoma, Arizona, Massachusetts, Wisconsin, North Carolina, Maryland, Iowa, Florida, Oregon, Washington, Wyoming, Texas, the United Kingdom, Germany, Canada, Australia and even across the street from my home! How's that for some flags!!! I love it. Thanks to all who have supported the cause.

My most recent being this turquoise concho leather cuff to Sydney, Australia.
Now how is that for some travel time!
These cuffs have been quite popular for me. Guess I better get to it and make some more. 

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Turquoise Concho Belt Project

A few years back, my husband wanted a turquoise concho belt. I thought about the project and wiped my brow after several hours of considering all that might be involved in its creation. After a couple of weeks of contemplation, I jumped in. Believe me, it was not just a "snap of the finger"! It was definitely an engineering feat, too.

First, there was the selection of the turquoise I was going to use. I figured there would be at least 14 to 15 conchos and a buckle based on his waist size. He wanted something along the conservative line with the turquoise as the main attraction. Okay.... So after digging through all my turquoise rough, I finally came up with a turquoise nugget about the size of a small grapefruit and decided to start slabbing. Well, after the slabbing process, my blade bit the dust and as fate would have it, I did not have another so I had to order one. Actually, that was a good thing because it gave me the chance to lay the slabs on top of a black leather strap and figure out how I was going to trim the cabs for the conchos. The photo below is what I ended up with after my blade arrived. I forgot to take a photo of the nugget I slabbed, but it was similar to the nugget in the upper left corner. The piece in the lower right corner would be the stone for the buckle. I believe the turquoise is from the old Santa Rita Turquoise Mine out of New Mexico.
With this process done, I started the grinding and polishing process and this is what the stones looked like.  At this phase, I started making the bezels for the stones.
Once all the bezels were made, I started making the shanks for the backside that would be soldered onto silver sheet.
After soldering the bezel to the plate, I hand sawed the silver sheet to follow the shape of the specific stone and soldered the shank to the backside. After this process on each concho, I went through the polishing process, then set the stones.
The buckle was a challenge, too, but it sure turned out pretty!

Below is a photo of the buckle and all the conchos for the belt.

It was hard to get a photo of the complete belt, but here are a few.

And there it is in all its glory. It is a family heirloom!

Friday, December 23, 2011

Western Pacific Railroad China

Here is a pair of earrings I made using some pieces from the Western Pacific Railroad china. I just love the feather pattern and think the earrings show well!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

The "LOVE" Necklace

The story of the Love Necklace...

Making custom jewelry is my passion. One day while going back through my records to make sure I was current with orders, I realized that I was to make a charm for a chain for someone with the word "LOVE" on it. When I checked with the customer to find out if she was still interested, she most definitely was.

So what started out as a simple charm on a chain turned into "The LOVE Necklace Extraordinaire"! She decided she wanted charms with her grandchildren's names to stack with the Love charm. Then she decided she also wanted a couple more with her children's names. Well, that changed the whole design since I thought that would not look that good all bunched up together.

She wanted some black beads and some silver chain along with the charms. This is what I came up with. The backside of the charms feature their date of birth, too. The black disc beads are rainbow obsidian and the long black beads are agate.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Upcoming Show - Hope to see you!

7th Annual Glitterati Holiday Art & Gift Boutique - Oct. 30th -Tiferet Israel Synagogue 10909 Hillcrest (off Royal) Dallas, TX Noon - 5 pm
Need some holiday gift ideas? 

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Enjoying some cooler weather and busy in the shop!

Working on some new designs and just having a good time! Cooler weather always makes for more fun in the shop - windows open and doors, too. Love working up the old railroad dining car china and some of my stashed beautiful old American mined turquoise!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

What's up??

Countdown to the big show at the Meyerson - Dallas, Texas, August 28th. I'm so thrilled to be one of the selected artists and looking forward to showing off all my newest creations to the people!!! At least we hope there will be some people.... 

This is the 13th Jewish Art Fest and what a lovely place to be holding the event. Here is a link for more information. The Morton Meyerson is located at 2301 Flora, Dallas, Texas.

Hope to see you there!

Here is a sample of some of my latest pieces. Orange and purple spiney oyster shell from off the coast of Ecuador, which I set into a couple of pendants and a ring. Also, a lovely piece of Nevada Rhodonite (lapidary by Lost Sierra), which I set into a pendant. Loving on the colorsplash! More to come.....