Thursday, July 21, 2011

New Creations

Trying to work up some new ideas for some new pieces. Sometimes I get lost in thought. I'm most definitely looking forward to the temperature lowering a little. It's just been too hot to work in the shop even with the a/c going. It just can't keep up.

So, I finally got some of the bugs worked out in the software I use for my website and have spent the last couple of days adding some pieces to my website. When it's too hot to hit the shop, I spend lots of time making bead jewelry. Here are some.


  1. Hi-- thanks for coming by and becoming a follower on my blog!. Your web site looks great.
    And I love Donkey planters. I only have 3, but am starting a collection of them.
    Glad to "meet" you. I am your latest follower.

  2. Hey - I was thinking about you... I had a dream early this morning. In the dream I had a donkey. It was such a real dream ... The donkey was nosing my cheek because he wanted to go outside and I couldn't find his halter and didn't want him to go out because he might get lost.

    What a hoot!!!! And be careful, those planters are addicting. I think I have over a hundred of them and love each one!!!

    Glad to meet you, too and thanks for the comments about my web site. I do appreciate it!
